Why You Should Avoid Generic, Mass-Produced Home Décor — BEDROOM LOGIC
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Why You Should Avoid Generic, Mass-Produced Home Décor

Why You Should Avoid Generic, Mass-Produced Home Décor

Social media and fast fashion have shortened the trend cycle in the world of fashion, prompting consumers to discard their clothes and buy new items much faster than in the past. A similar theme is happening in the world of interior design and furniture, where “fast furniture” sites allow people to get cheap items quickly, and social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram churn out the trends. With influencers and brands urging users to follow the latest styles, consumers feel pressured to discard of their fast furniture and home décor to constantly update their interior design look. 

Following these home décor trends can lead you down a toxic and infinite cycle that is bad for you, the world, and your bank account. Instead, you should aim to find your personal sense of style and zoom in on items that represent your personality and unique taste. 

This article will explore why you should avoid generic home décor and explain how you can opt for more long-lasting, personalized options. 

The downsides of mass-produced home decor

1.  Your home will be like everyone else’s

Your space is a representation of your interests, taste, and personal style. By following cookie- cutter templates and trends, you will wind up with a home that says nothing about your personality and instead looks like every other person online. No one needs their home to be a showroom. Instead, it should be a representation of your passions, memories, and life story told through color, texture, and imagery. 

2.  You will waste money constantly updating your décor

If you consistently aim to stay up to date with the latest trends, you will be urged to discard and update your décor on a seasonal or annual basis. Avoid trending textures that you have to swap out, as you won’t build your own style or taste when you follow the herd. This will force you to waste money by partaking in a cycle of constant upgrading where nothing you buy is a long-term investment piece. 

3.  It’s bad for the environment

In 2018, Americans threw away over 12 million tons of furniture and décor. This figure marks a stark increase from historical levels and is an indication of the trend-focused consumer habits within the interior design world. Throwing out your furniture and décor is bad for the environment, and you should aim to avoid these practices. 

Choose to make your home unique

Instead of following trends and sourcing your décor from mass-produced vendors, create a more personalized look by building your style and inserting your personality into your home. Here’s how.

Look for timeless beauty

Trends come and go, but beauty and the classics last. Find items that bring you joy and happiness because of their visual appearance. Surround yourself with colors and imagery that resonate with your identity, values, and interests. Here at Bedroom Logic, we create specialty items inspired by timeless beauty like sculpture, nature, and spirituality. Avoiding trendy color schemes and textures, our dark neutral palette stands the test of time with items like our Roses in Rain Area Rug.

The rose area rug

Find unique elements that speak to you

What grabs your attention? Do you love nature, literature, religion, or art? There are so many places in the world to find inspiration. Identify what speaks to you and find elements to incorporate into your space that connect you to those values. Items like our Namaste Buddha Duvet or Red Poppy Duvet can help you connect with what you love and find joy through your space every day.

Red poppy duvetNamaste Duvet

Curate one-of-a-kind décor with an edge

Source your pieces from local artists, vintage shops, or boutique sellers like Bedroom Logic, who put artistry and care into every piece sold. When you find shops that share your vision and interests, you will be able to build a space that represents your personality and lasts for years. At Bedroom Logic, our passionate team is founded by a lifelong creative who pours his personal touch into every item we sell. By filling your home with décor that was made with love and intention, your space will come alive, and that positivity will feed into your life.

Putting it all together

Look for items like pillows, throws, and duvet covers that elevate your space with boldness and elegance. Learn how to curate your own look and style, and don’t settle for the boring, standard décor you see on the shelves of mass-produced stores. Shop with us at Bedroom Logic to enhance your space.


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